Today was picture day.
We smiled nice! We wore nice clothes. We tried to spell hard words picture and cheese.
Today Lauryn learned to do the circle rings! We are proud of her because she tried hard and she got it! We try hard things in first grade!
In readers workshop we read books and share the pages we liked.
We are put books we have read on our Shelfari page. Because we want to tell the world all the books we have read and because we want to remember the books. We have 2 new followers on Shelfari! We got a message from another teacher and shared some of our books with her class. Thank you for reading this post. Please leave us a comment!! We have read so many books! We are learning from our books. Like in Hunter's Best Friend at School. This book taught us that if your friend is not being best self you should show them how to be their best self. Best self means doing what you're suppose to do even if it's hard. We are learning how to be mathematicians,they do math and think hard about numbers.
This weeks book winner is Catalina Magdalena Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan Was Her Name by Tedd Arnold. Can you say her whole name? try typing |
AuthorsThe ideas shared in our blog are inspired by our first grade class in Central Ohio. We are guided by Mrs. Frazier. We love to explore, discover and share with our world! We would love it if you took a minute to comment on what we are sharing! Archives
September 2013
We're CONNECTING our classroom~
First Grade Learners-Dublin Ohio Merely Learning- Central Ohio 1D Learning Heroes- Central Ohio We 6 Kids - Northern MT Grade1AC- Singapore |