Hello Friends and Families!
I know its only been a little over a week since we were all together as a class, but I miss you all already! Our last day was full of fun! From the anticipation of the party, the gift's, the summer bag, the concert, and finally our last hugs and goodbyes! Our day was a whirlwind! We had a very successful end of the year party! We owe HUGE thanks to Mrs. Zwilling, Mrs. Slominski, Mrs. Doty, Mrs. Pitteroff, Mrs. Pinnell, Mrs. Grove, Mrs. Jantonio, and Miss Frazier who donated their time in managing our party. Of Course, all of you who sent in the yummy food, your donations made a huge difference for our kids! From water balloon T-ball, to noodle hockey, to sand art, the party was a smash! Summer Bag- On the last day of school your first grader brought home a decorated white bag and several sheets of paper. These papers have summer fun ideas either typed out or hidden in the QR code! Your first grader knows how to scan the QR code (just download a QR code reader on your tablet) or type in the address on the card. Either way you'll end up with a fun and exciting adventure on your hands! Please, note the kids became very savvy with technology this year and should be able to do all these things independently. Links shared are kid friendly and all You tube links were sent via safe link so you can feel confident allowing them to explore while you make dinner or other daily chores! The items on the sheet are made to be cut into individual cards. Once they're cut apart, place them all in the bag and each day grab one card to keep you brain charged! We don't want any learning to drip out, as Justin said, "That's the saddest thing I ever heard of, all our learning dripping out of our brains." No matter how you do it, keep them reading and writing for fun and with purpose! We DID LOTS of things to fire them up for summer, keep it going strong!
We are going to be the "Wonder of the Day" on Wonderopolis Thursday May 28, 2015! Here's Our Story- One afternoon all the first graders were gathered on the carpet discussing what we wanted to learn about numbers. When, just like that, one inquisitive mathematician asked "Is addition like subtraction?" A few students tried to answer this question, but as they did they found themselves wondering even more. Knowing we needed more time to think about this and to try out a few ideas, we headed out into the workshop to grapple with our inquiry. The more we explored the more we wondered, so we sent this tweet~ And then this happened… We were deep in our wonderings about the relationship between additional and subtraction. Friends who saw the similarities tried to convince those who did not. Those who saw the differences set out to prove they were indeed different! The debated raged on. Then, just like that we got this tweet- We are THRILLED to announce that on Thursday May 28, 2015 we will celebrate as OUR wonder will be the "Daily Wonder!" Please visit out wonder on Thursday, May 26, 2015!
Mrs. VanDerwater and Poem Farm
Tuesday we had the opportunity to Skype with poet Amy Ludwig VanDerwater (Amy LV). Amy LV is a wonderful resource to students and teachers who enjoy learning, reading and writing poetry. Hopefully your young poet has already shared the Poem Farm with you and you have seen for yourself her A-Maz-ing work! Maybe your poet has already shared with you, WE were FEATURED on Poem Farm on Day 8! Students wrote questions for Amy about writing poetry. Amy asked students read their questions and she talked about her thinking as a writer. Here's what we learned:
Since our Skype visit we have shared several Tweets with Mrs VanDerwater browse the feed on the right hand side of the page for full details. We will Skpe with Mrs. VanDerwater 2 more times! We had a new book winner. We are learning craft in writing. Craft makes our writing interesting. Craft is ellipses and dashis and onomatopoeias and aliteration and much more. In reading we are learning how questions help readers. In math we are learning place value and ten more and less with high numbers. And today we have the sing along and a party. By Sofia and Karsyn We got two new book winners Ivan and bear despair. We all have blogs on kid blog! Look on shelfari for new books We learned about candy canes on wonderopolis. We have been BUSY on twitter! We are learning place value in math We are learning questioning in reading We are learning how to make our writing interesting. Thank you for sending in your mystery book if you haven't send it Monday. By Blaine and Justin We are beginning to talk about games, foods, TV shows, clothing and sports that were popular when you (and maybe your parents) were kids! The kids love looking back at pictures from the past and comparing "then and now." We invite you to sit down with your first grader and visit the VoiceThread below. Talk about your memories before you were a parent or grandparent. We love learning from you and invite you to share family photos, letters, artifacts and books to help us learn more. You can add photos to the VT below and comment to tell us more. If your comfortable, you could even send your artifacts to school to share with us!
![]() We learned how to keep math organized by using a friendly number like ten. Being organized helps you remember your numbers.