Reader’s Workshop: We Continue on this journey! .
All reading assessments have been completed and intentional instruction will begin Monday. The needs of the readers in our classroom vary. Reading needs will be specifically taught following a framework that allows readers to work with me, with peers, and independently. Students need instruction, time to practice, and process what they've seen in lessons. Depending on the needs of the readers students will be taught through individual conferences, small groups, and during large group lessons. Read to your child regularly and please help your first grader get the book and folder back in the bookbag for the next day. Did you know you can read books without words? Did you know you SHOULD always read the pictures and use the pictures to help you read? Your first grader does! Ask them WHY we read illustrations and HOW we do! Writer’s Workshop: Writers have heroes and mentors. These mentors and heroes show us writing strategies, craft and structures for our writing. We are learning to read as writers, looking for ideas and support to grow as writers.
This week we continued our counting to 120 as well as learned a verbal path to help us write our numbers in the proper direction.
Is your first grader talking about COMPASSION? As we work to continue to treat each other kindly and support others as they take risks we are learning what it means to show and be compassionate.
During a closing meeting the kids shared that some students are not always as polite as they could be. While we are addressing this through learning about compassion, please speak with your child about what it means to be humble, respecting other students need to move in different directions or at a different pace. Last week we made our classroom dream statements and thei week we will use these statements to develop our classroom promise. Below is a VoiceThread of our Dream Statemments. Check back for audio soon.
This weeks photo credits go to Zack! ![]() Reader’s Workshop: We Continue on this journey! . We are learning how to choose books that are interesting to us we are also learning how to record our books on Padlet. As you see these books coming home celebrate the new book, read it together and that's it! For now... we will soon learn how to determine if our is a book we can read alone, one they may need help with, and you will read WITH them, or if it's one you should read to them. Did you know you can read books without words? Did you know you SHOULD always read the pictures and use the pictures to help you read? Your first grader does! Ask them WHY we read illustrations and HOW we do! ![]() Writer’s Workshop: Writers make choices. Where, what, when will I write? What tools do I need and why? Who will read my story? How can I best tell my story? What illustrations will help my reader? It's a lot of work being a write... celebrate and support all my choices! ![]() Math: As mathematicians we will work with others and independently to solve problems. Some of the problems we will explore will have various answers. Our focus is on the process. Mathematicians are; flexible thinkers, they work in efficient ways, they try various strategies, and they push through the hard parts. Skill focus- Counting and writing numbers up to 120 ![]() Social Studies: In Social Studies we are continuing to working on building our community. This week we have discussed what we dream of for our classroom. We are currently illustrating our dream. Soon, we will turn this into a video to share with you and post the papers in our room. I will share more as we finish! A few dreams I've heard:
Did you know that Hilliard City Schools will have a levy on the ballot in November? Plan to attend the DCR Community Information event on THIS THURSDAY September 29th at 7:30pm to learn about all the details.
Monday, 9/26 A Day - Music Tuesday, 9/27 B Day- Art Wednesday, 9/28 C Day- Gym Thursday, 9/29 A Day- Music Friday, 9/30 B Day- Art MARK YOUR CALENDAR 9/25: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/29: Levy Community Information Night @ Darby Creek, 7:30pm 10/1: Day of Play Cardboard Challenge @ Heritage Middle School, 9am-12noon 10/2: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/3: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 10/7: Walk-a-Thon 10/8: PTO Family 1 mile Fun Run/5K Event, 8:00am 10/9: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/12: Picture Retakes ![]()
Please join us TUESDAY September 20th at 6:30 in our classroom. I will explain the classroom procedures and expectations as well as what we will be learning this year. So much information is shared in this meeting, please plan to attend! Remember, this is an adults only night!
Reader’s Workshop:. We are learning how to choose books that are interesting to us we are also learning how to record our books on Padlet. As you see these books coming home celebrate the new book, read it together and that's it! For now... we will soon learn how to determine if our is a book we can read alone, one they may need help with, and you will read WITH them, or if it's one you should read to them.
Did you know you can read books without words? Did you know you SHOULD always read the pictures and use the pictures to help you read? Your first grader does! Ask them WHY we read illustrations and HOW we do!
Writer’s Workshop: Oh, glory, does this class LOVE to write! We are learning how to use our linking chart to listen for sounds to spell unknown words. At this point the kids are responsible to attempting words they don't know how to spell using the linking chart. Our stories can be about anything important to the writer. We are beginning to find mentor authors and familiar books that support us by offering ideas for our writing. Having a mentor author and using their stories as a spring board for our writing gives us a solid foundation to our writing.
Math: What is Math? Ask your first grader to answer this questions, start a list and see how far they can go! We are exploring math in our world. We started this chart a week ago and we had only the words in green! Look how much we have discovered!
As mathematicians we will work with others and independently to solve problems. Some of the problems we will explore will have various answers. Our focus is on the process. Mathematicians are; flexible thinkers, they work in efficient ways, they try various strategies, and they push through the hard parts. Skill focus- Counting and writing numbers up to 120 ![]()
Social Studies: In Social Studies we have been working on building our community through our Community Block Tower. We sit together in a large circle, one at a time students add a block to the tower. Students support each other through encouraging words as we build and especially when it falls!
We've learned;
Did you know that Hilliard City Schools will have a levy on the ballot in November? Plan to attend the DCR Community Information event on September 29th at 7:30pm to learn about all the details.
Monday, 9/12 B Day -Art Tuesday, 9/13 C Day-Gym Wednesday, 9/14 A Day- Music Thursday, 9/15 B Day-Art Friday, 9/16 C Day-Gym MARK YOUR CALENDAR 9/18: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/20: First Grade Curriculum Night, 6:30-7:30pm (adults only, please) 9/25: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/29: Levy Community Information Night @ Darby Creek, 7:30pm 10/1: Day of Play Cardboard Challenge @ Heritage Middle School, 9am-12noon 10/2: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/3: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 10/7: Walk a Thon 10/8: PTO Family 1 mile Fun Run/5K Event, 8:00am 10/9: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/12: Picture Retakes Week 4~ 9-9-16![]() Please join us on September 20th at 6:30 in our classroom. I will explain the classroom procedures and expectations as well as what we will be learning this year. So much information is shared in this meeting, please plan to attend! . ![]() The Mini-Me's are starting to drift in and they look amazing! (Due date for all Mini Me's is Sept. 19th.) This is a family project, please help your child put items on their person that represent them and show things that they like to do and family hobbies, special people, and favorite places. You can use a variety of materials, photographs, and/or clip pictures and words from magazines. We will use these to tell our friends about ourselves and to get ideas for our writing throughout the year. Please send these back to school any time between before September 12th. We will also create a VoiceThread with our Mini-Me's for friends and families to visit to get to know us all better! Book Selections~ Each day your child will choose a book, record the book information on their Padlet click here to visit the Padlet page, and bring it home. In addition to helping me keep track of the books leaving the room each day, Padlet will allow students to see all the books they’ve read over the year. Please take time to read the story together, and return the book the following day. I encourage you and your child to leave comments on the Padlet if they choose, this is optional. Comments about the book, story or character are encouraged. Please do not leave comments about the ease or difficulty of the text, this is not the focus at this time. ![]() Building a Learning Community~ As we work to build our community, we are learning to support our friends as they do hard work and take risk. We know our words matter to our friends and our tone and words can leave brown spots in others hearts, just like the apple. One way we practice taking risk, working collaboratively and doing hard things is in building a block tower (see photo on our Celebrate Weekly page) and in community puzzle building. We encourage our friends as they choose where to place the next block. Students are learning sometimes the most support comes from having a solid foundation and building too tall to quickly doesn't create a strong tower. Mathematicians at Work~
We are discovering what math is! Week one, the answers were hard, now our chart of ideas is GROWING! Graphing, sorting, addition, counting and grouping are just a few things you might see our mathematicians working on in math workshop. Dates to Note 9/11: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/12: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 9/16- STAR Reading Assessment 9/16: PTO Recess Night at DCR, 6:30-8:00pm 9/18: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/20: First Grade Curriculum Night, 6:30-7:30pm (adults only, please) 9/25: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/29: Levy Community Information Night @ Darby Creek, 7:30pm 10/1: Day of Play Cardboard Challenge @ Heritage Middle School, 9am-12noon 10/2: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/3: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 10/7: Walk a Thon 10/8: PTO Family 1 mile Fun Run/5K Event, 8:00am 10/9: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/12: Picture Retakes 0 Comments September , 2016
Dear Families, Beginning today your child will be bringing home books from the classroom to enjoy with you. At this time, we are discussing the variety of reasons readers choose books. Your child is enjoying the classroom library and learning about the books available to them. Each day your child will choose a book, record the book information on their Padlet click here to visit the Padlet page, and bring it home to you. In addition to helping me keep track of the books leaving the room each day, Padlet will allow students to see all the books they’ve read over the year. Please take time to read the story together, and return the book the following day. Soon we will begin conversations about finding “just-right” books. In other words, they should be able to read and understand them. While they may have to pause occasionally to figure something out, they should be able to do the work. When these conversations begin, I will more closely monitor the books your child is choosing, and the wording on the padlet will change from “me”, “you”, and “us” to “easy”, “just-right”, and “challenging”. If the book is easy or “just right,” your child will read to you. If the book is challenging, please read it to your child. Beginning readers need to hear good models so reading to your child is still essential. Each evening read the book with your child and return it to school the very next day. I encourage your child to leave comments on the padlet if they choose, this is optional. If your child chooses not to read this book because s/he has a book from Mrs. Bradley or another reading teacher that is fine; just make a note on the padlet, or your child can do this at school the following day. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]. The price for replacing a lost books is $10.00. I would suggest that your child’s folder stays in his/her bookbag, and the book remains in the reading folder when it is not being read. ENJOY! Thanks, Mrs. Frazier MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! ![]() We have set a date for our first grade Curriculum Night. Please join us on September 20th at 6:30 in our classroom. I will explain the classroom procedures and expectations as well as what we will be learning this year. So much information is shared in this meeting, please plan to attend! . ![]()
Please download or print and return to school by Friday 9-9-16. hard copy or digital is great! Mini-Me![]() Your child is brought home a little family project to complete, our Mini-Me’s. Please help your child put items on their person that represent them and show things that they like to do and familiy hobbies, special people, and favorite places. You can use a variety of materials, photographs, and/or clip pictures and words from magazines. We will use these to tell our friends about ourselves and to get ideas for our writing throughout the year. Please send these back to school any time between before September 12th. We will also create a call VoiceThread with our Mini-Me's for friends and families to visit to get to know us all better! Remember, if there is anything you need to know, check our website. If you don’t find it there, just let me know. If you get a chance, take some time and poke through each of the pages so you know what’s there. Dates to Note![]() 9/5: No School -- Labor Day 9/11: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/12: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 9/16: PTO Recess Night at DCR, 6:30-8:00pm 9/18: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/20: First Grade Curriculum Night, 6:30-7:30pm (adults only, please) 9/25: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/29: Levy Community Information Night @ Darby Creek, 7:30pm 10/1: Day of Play Cardboard Challenge @ Heritage Middle School, 9am-12noon 10/2: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/3: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 10/7: Walk a Thon 10/8: PTO Family 1 mile Fun Run/5K Event, 8:00am 10/9: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/12: Picture Retakes Our Treasure Chest of Books!Our first five day week and we did it, we survived! I have to thank you for your part in making this year start off so smoothly. Your effort in teaching the lunch routine and finding numbered coat hooks has paid off! The kids come right in, hang up book bags, make a lunch choice, visit the bathroom and then start reading! TidBits to know:
The comment section below is for you! PLEASE use them. If you're wondering something, others are as well. Your questions can help us all! Of course, if you have questions or concerns that are more individual or private, [email protected] is best. Mark Your Calendar9/1: Picture Day 9/5: No School -- Labor Day 9/11: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/12: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 9/16: PTO Recess Night at DCR, 6:30-8:00pm 9/18: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/25: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 9/29: Levy Community Information Night @ Darby Creek, 7:30pm 10/1: Day of Play Cardboard Challenge @ Heritage Middle School, 9am-12noon 10/2: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/3: PTO Meeting, 7:00pm 10/7: Walk a Thon 10/8: PTO Family 1 mile Fun Run/5K Event, 8:00am 10/9: Community R Factor Training for Families, 7pm @ Darby High School 10/12: Picture Retakes The first few days of first grade have been so smooth! The kids have been eager to learn and are learning to persevere through an ENTIRE day! I must say, they are doing an incredible job. I am sure they're falling apart once they reach home!
The week has been filled with new books, reading, writing, counting, and routines! the students have embraced each part of our day like a trooper. Lunch in the cafeteria and recess has been a highlight for many! TidBits to know:
Of course, if you have questions or concerns that are more individual or private, [email protected] is best. |
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